Categories Business

Increasing Convenience for Your Clients


Today’s world is fueled by convenience. No one wants to wait in line, no one wants to stay on hold and no one wants to miss work to go to any type of appointment. In order to keep your business ahead of the game and stay competitive in your market, it is important that you are available to your clients during peak times. This can be accomplished by extending your hours and days worked and providing after-hours assistance. Clients will come to associate your business with accessibility and will appreciate your consideration of their busy schedules. 

Extended Hours

Most people have limited paid leave from work. Therefore, clients often value being able to go to appointments when they leave work or before they go into work. Extending your hours may draw in more business; you can even set up peak times where you only schedule your most reliable clientele. Extended hours do not have to be offered every day; choose one or two days a week that work best for you. You can also extend your early morning hours as people are more likely to make an early appointment and go into work late rather than leave work in the middle of the day.

Answering Service

Answering service software can be a valuable part of staying in contact with your customers during their most convenient hours. You never want to miss an opportunity to gain a client because your phone rang and rang. Instead, a professional answering service like Voicenation can bridge the gap between you and clients after hours. 

Weekend Hours

While some business owners may cringe at the thought of giving up a free weekend, Saturdays are often the most convenient day for a client to do business. If the idea of being open every Saturday is too much for you, consider opening one weekend day a month at first. In this way, you can determine how successful it will be. You should track your profits on those days to see if it is advantageous to consider adding extra days to your schedule. 

Operating your own business in today’s convenience-driven world can be a challenge, but with the right services to meet your clients’ needs, you can be well on your way to business success. If you have been looking for ways to appeal to potential clientele, considering advertising your after-hours and weekend availability. You might be surprised at the profitability a few simple changes can make for your company.

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Infographic provided by Applica, a document automation tool company